Click for Weekly Score Sheets
Purpose of the league
To create a fun competitive skeet league for members at Lynden Shotgun Club. Having young or new shooters compete in a fun league will help introduce skeet competition to the shooter and help prepare the shooter for NSSA type competitions, if the shooter so chooses to go down that route.
- The league will attempt to level the playing field for all participants through the development of a handicap system. This means a new shooter can compete against a seasoned shooter and have a chance to win.
- The league will be made up of 4 gauges
- 12 Gauge, 20 Gauge, 28 Gauge, 410 Gauge
- At the beginning of the league season, the shooter will choose the gauge he or she will shoot for the League.
- A shooter may choose to shoot a smaller gauge for an event but cannot shoot a bigger gauge. E.g. you cannot shoot a 12 gauge in a league event if you chose 28 gauge as your gauge for the season. You can use a 410 gauge.
- The handicap system will work somewhat like the NSSA classification system combined with a golfing handicap type system.
- A handicap will be calculated based on the last 5 events shot
- The handicap system will reset at the beginning of each year
- A shooter can only increase his or her handicap once in the year
- An “Event” will comprise of 50 targets in a single gauge using NSSA rules
- A shooter will need to shoot a minimum of 15 events during a year. There are approximately 72 shooting days per year to achieve this in.
- An event or any number of events can be shot on any day the club is open
- Events need to be shot at Lynden Shotgun Club
- A minimum of 2 shooters are required at each event.
- Shooters are responsible for submitting their own score sheets. We are going to use the honor system. No Mulligans
- Score sheets are available at the office. Hand in your completed score sheets at the office or scan them and email to Hilton Robinson ( Remember to fill in the date and gauge you shot.
- Shooters can use scores shot for other competitions shot at Lynden gun club towards the Skeet League. A skeet league score sheet will need to be completed at the time.
- The shooter can shoot 16 events toward the league. For each shooter the scores from the 15 best events (including the handicap) will be used to calculate the final scores.
- If a shooter only shoots 15 events in the year, the actual score for the first event will be used in the calculation of the 15 events. (i.e. instead of the handicap score)
- In the event of a tie for 1st, runner up or 3rd place, the winners will be established using NSSA rules doubles shoot off at station 3, 4 and 5. First miss and out.
- The closing handicap will be used in the shoot off
- The first and miss will only apply after the shooter has missed the number of his/her handicap.
- 1st Place, Runner Up and 3rd place will be announced at the end of October.
- We will think of some other fun prizes for things people have done or not done during the year, just to keep it fun. Hopefully get some small prizes donated.
- The cost to join the league is $0
- Shooters will pay for their own rounds
- Please Please let Hilton Robinson know that you are joining the league. If you forget, no problem, make sure to fill in your first and last name legibly on your first score sheet submitted. Hilton email address
- A shooter can join the league at any time during the year
- Results of all shooters will be made available to all skeet league shooters on the Club Website.
Handicap calculations explained
- The last 5 events establishes the handicap for the next event.
- I.e. 5 x 2 rounds of skeet.
- The last 5 events will be added up.
- E.g. 45+44+48+44+43= 224
- The difference between 224 and 245 divided by 5 will be the handicap for the next event. The result will be rounded up or down, .5 and above is rounded up, below .5 is rounded down.
- E.g. 245-224= 21, 21/5=4.2 Handicap = 4
- At the next shoot event, 4 will be added to the shooters score. A maximum of 50 can be scored when adding in the handicap.
- E.g. the shooter shoots 44, the score will be 44+4 =48. If the shooter shoots 47, the score will be 47 + 4 = 50 (max of 50)
- A shooter can only increase his or her handicap once during the year
- E.g. the shooter has established a handicap of 6 after the first 5 events. The shooter improves over the year and his or her handicap goes from 6 to 2. Then has a bad week and goes down to 4, then has another bad week and should drop to say 6. Because this is the second time the handicap number needs to be adjusted upwards, the shooter stays at 4. This is in line with the way NSSA does their classification system.
- For the first 5 events, the handicap will be calculated based on the number of events shot in that gauge. The handicap is calculated off a base of 49 per event.
- E.g. 1 event shot, the shooter shoots 43, the handicap is 49-43=6
- E.g. 3 events shot, the shooter shoots 43+44+44=131, the handicap (147-131)/3=5